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Everyone wants to feel connected and grow spiritually.

When we come to know Jesus as our Savior, we soon learn that God designed us to do life with other people like us. People who want to walk out their faith more consistently day by day. People who help us to trust God more, and ultimately help us to grow in our faith and be part of God’s heart to change the world. Groups are the best step we can take to make a church a family and deepen our faith. Below you can click to find a group, host or lead a group.

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
– Hebrews 10:24-25

summer groups 2024 with background beach motif


1. Find a friend
Grab a friend or two (or more!) around you who want to grow in faith and fellowship over the summer.

2. Pick a place
It could be a home, a coffee shop, or any place that works for you.

3. Select a study
We have FREE digital resources for you with a curated list of studies at your fingertips once you sign up.

Once you know the details, meet on your own schedule!

We pray that these Summer Groups equip you to gather off campus, bringing the power and love of Jesus into our community.

If you have any questions, please email

More Info and Registration

Find a Group

How do you get connected to the Crossroads family of faith? Every week, hundreds of people in the Crossroads family regularly connect in homes or coffee shops throughout Clark County and beyond. Joining a Group helps your church become a family. Your group will become close and connected like the friends you invite to your house. So step out in faith and find a group today!


Need help finding a group?

Help me find a group!

Lead a Group

Feel the nudge to lead a group? Do you love opening your home to guests? Are you gifted in facilitating conversation? As a Community Group Leader you can help guide the group through discussion questions based on Pastor Daniel’s Sunday message series, study a book of the Bible, or do another discipleship study together.

Help people regularly gather in your home, office or favorite coffee shop, facilitate discussion, and care for the members of your group. It just takes a small step of faith to find out more about hosting and leading!

Want to learn more? Click below to begin the journey of leading a group.



Summer Groups

Summer 2024

Women’s Paint Night

Friday, August 9


Multiple Dates in 2024

Baby Dedication

Multiple Dates in 2024