If this is an emergency, please call 911. If you are considering taking your life, please call or text 988 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline).
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” Psalm 34:18 NLT
We understand that on life's journey, we can encounter unexpected hurdles. Our Care Ministry stands as a pillar of compassion and support for those facing challenges. In every gesture, we echo a spirit of kindness, showing that even in life's struggles, we can find comfort by simply responding to Jesus' call to care for one another.
To begin the process of accessing our care resources, or to speak to a pastor or chaplain, please fill out our Care Request Form below.
In addition, if you're in need of professional licensed counseling, please fill out the Mental Health Referral Form below.
Johnnie Pesacreta
Care Pastor
Help with hurts, habits, and hang-ups
Celebrate Recovery helps those dealing with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind, to leave behind the past and embrace true healing and freedom.
Celebrate Recovery meets every Thursday at 7 pm in the Auditorium. We would love for you to join us!
Sign Up Now
Times & Locations
Thursdays @ 7 PM
Crossroads Community Church Auditorium
Ralph Cassel
Care Pastor
UPCOMING Celebrate Recovery EVENTS
Find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce
What is DivorceCare?
DivorceCare is a 13-week course designed to help you face the challenges of separation or divorce and rebuild your life.
Each session has two distinct elements:
A Seminar with Experts
During the first 30–40 minutes of the meeting, the group will watch a video seminar featuring top experts on divorce and recovery subjects.
A Support Group with Focus
After viewing the video, participants will spend time as a support group, discussing that week’s video seminar, as well as their own lives.
*Materials fee may apply.
Register Here
Times & Locations
Thursdays @ 7 PM
January 16 - April 10
Sanctuary Prayer Room
Johnnie Pesacreta
Care Pastor
You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone
A 13-week course for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one, GriefShare will help you find healing and hope. A friendly, caring group of people will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You can join anytime during a session. The weekly courses are independent of each other.
Times & Locations
Wednesdays @ 1 PM
January 15 - April 9
Annex Building Room 406
Johnnie Pesacreta
Care Pastor
Do you enjoy creating a warm atmosphere at church, reaching out to people and helping them feel welcome?
Whether it’s greeting people at our Connections Center, helping a family find a seat, or simply helping someone find their footing in our large church family, we have a spot for people like you to help others connect.
Our Connections Ministry rolls out the red carpet to everyone from newcomers to long-time Crossroads family members, as soon as they enter the Crossroads parking lot. We want to let everyone know that they are valued as individuals and loved by Jesus, as we care for them each and every time we gather, and help them “fit in” and find a place in the Crossroads family of faith.
To join the Connections Team, just click the link below to get started!
Volunteer ApplicationTristan Norris
Young Adults Pastor
worship arts
Worship is a language that God gives every believer to help us express our praise to Him and celebrate His greatness
At Crossroads, we love to worship together. We understand that loving God means worshipping Him – living a life that brings glory to Him and draws us nearer to Jesus. When our community gathers and expresses our sung prayers to God and about Him, we experience His amazing presence and hear His voice. Our worship helps us express who God is, celebrate His greatness, experience His touch, thank Him, and encourage each other with His truth. It’s an all-encompassing way of living. The worship songs we sing are contemporary in style, but range from ancient hymns to the latest choruses, and everything in between. We write many of the songs we sing, and encourage the artists in our church to grow in their songwriting and musicianship.
Click below to get started!
I'm Interested! Mikey Moore
Worship Pastor
As the people of God, we understand that prayer is not a last resort but it is the first response we should have in any situation. We also understand that we serve a God that isn't slow to listen but He inclines His ear to hear His people. Because of this, we will continue to call upon Him for as long as we live! Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live. -Psalm 116:2
If you have a heart to grow in prayer, we would love for you to join us at one of our corporate prayer opportunities - everyone is welcome, no experience necessary!
Corporate Prayer OpportunitiesAs we continue to pursue Becoming a House of Prayer, we want to be intentional to continue this call to pray without ceasing. Prayer360 is an opportunity for our church family to join together in around-the-clock prayer. We are expecting God to answer in only the way that He can and we invite you to join us.
Prayer360Prayer Requests
We understand that life is messy and can be outright hard. If you need prayer for anything you're dealing with, your anonymous request will be submitted to a group of faithful prayer warriors who are committed to gather together and lift people up to God in prayer.
Submit a Prayer RequestLearn How to Pray
In 2023, our church led us through a message series on prayer called Into the Deep. It covered the importance of prayer, how to pray and other practical tips. This series will help you grow in the spiritual discipline of prayer.
Message Series on PrayerPrayer Team
Crossroads believes there is POWER in prayer. We also know that God loves it when His children come together and connect with Him in prayer. If you'd like to join our prayer team, fill out a volunteer form today!
If you have any questions or need to connect with one of our Prayer Team leaders, email us at Our prayer team members are also available to pray with you in front of the stage after our in-person services, Sundays at 9 AM and 11 AM.
Simply Responding to Jesus, One Step at a Time.
We’re a family of faith, fully engaged, and just like in a real family, every one of us is in a different part of our journey through life with Jesus. If you’re new to your faith in Jesus, or you’ve been walking with Him for what seems like a lifetime, there is always more that He wants to teach us and always new areas where we can grow. We can help you do that! Here are some ways to build the foundation of your faith and grow your understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.
For New Believers
We are so excited that you have made the decision to follow Jesus and we want to personally welcome you to the family of God! Choosing to follow Jesus is the most important decision you have or will ever make. As a new believer, you can expect to have new attitudes and desires. You may need to replace some old habits and patterns with new activities that will help you to grow your new life in Christ. Growth takes time, but it begins—right now—right here by simply responding to Jesus.
Whether this is your first time committing your life to Jesus or a rededication of your life, these steps below will help build a strong and lasting relationship with Jesus on this messy journey in life.
Read the Bible Daily
The Bible will tell you everything you need to know in order to grow in your spiritual life. Because God speaks through His Word, you will get to know Him better and learn what pleases Him. As you obey His Word, you will grow strong and begin to see positive changes in your life. We suggest starting in the New Testament with the Gospel of John and reading straight into Acts.
You can buy a Bible online, download one onto your smart device, pick one up at your local bookstore, or even ask a local church for one.
Here are a few internet links that offer a variety of great ways to explore the Bible:
Pray Daily
Prayer is one of the greatest privileges we have as a child of God. Prayer is the way you connect with God. God wants you to know Him personally and wants you to share your heart with Him.
The A.C.T.S method is a good, easy way to learn and remember how to pray.
Adore – Start your prayer by telling God how much you adore Him, giving Him recognition for who He is and thank Him for what He has done for you.
Confess – Confession is acknowledging that you have messed up and asking God to forgive you of those sins. The Bible says that if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful to forgive our sins and cleanse us of all that we have done wrong.
Thanks – We have so much to be thankful for in our lives, including our salvation. God’s people should be joyful and grateful people who spread that wherever they go.
Supplication – Supplication simply means praying for your personal needs and the needs of those around you.
attend church
You can’t do this alone! Going to church is the primary way you will grow in your faith. You will meet other believers, develop friendships and find a community that will support you on this new journey in life. It is important that you find a local church that teaches the Bible, and values worship, evangelism and community. Great churches are in most communities. If you cannot find a church within driving distance, we invite you to join us Sunday Mornings at 9 am and 11 am and also Wednesday nights at 7 pm Pacific Time at
Every Christian should be baptized, but why? You see, through faith and repentance we experience freedom from the penalty of sin. That’s usually what we mean by “salvation”–being rescued from the penalty of sin on this side of Heaven. But the Bible also promises freedom from the power of sin. This freedom is ours as we immerse ourselves in God-centered living. Jesus instituted water baptism as the public proclamation and physical expression of that spiritual immersion.
Crossroads conducts water baptisms every other month. For more info, click the button below.
share your faith
Good news is hard to keep to yourself! Now that you are following Jesus, it’s time to tell people about Him. Don’t hide your faith from people around you; they need Jesus just as much as you needed Jesus. How will they know that Jesus is real if the people around them don’t tell them? A great way to share with them is to tell your story. Tell them what Jesus has done for you and what He will do for them.
stay the course
Being a Christian is not always easy. Remember that life is messy, but Jesus is real. When you became a child of God, you also became an enemy of the devil; and he will try to tempt you into disobeying God. Know that it isn’t a sin to be tempted—even Jesus experienced temptation (read Luke 4:1–3)—but giving in to the temptation is sin. Christians will experience times of testing and trials, but God promises to be with us and give us the strength we need to get through hard times.
For Growing Believers
Because we know that growth happens in groups. No matter your age, gender, marital status, interest, vocation or location, there’s a community group that’s just right for you. This is where you’ll grow closer with brothers and sisters in Christ who say, “I’ve got your back.” To find the group that’s right for you, contact us at or click the button below.
The hardest step is the first step, but you can do all things through Christ. (Philippians 4:13) You’re invited to take the steps of faith one step at a time and learn to simply respond to Jesus with us.
Aram Babasin
Men's & Groups Pastor
Every week, thousands of people join us online because they aren’t able to be here in person. During weekly live services, our hosts are ready to connect with you and support you. Join us online at, on Facebook, or on YouTube, and don’t miss out!
Click below to get started!
I'm Interested!QUESTIONS?
Email us at for more information.
Gabe Moreno
Executive Pastor
Kids Gatherings
Crossroads Kids, for birth - 5th grade, meets on Sundays during our regular service times at 9 am and 11 am. Discipleship Town is available on Wednesday evenings while parents attend one of the Midweek groups at 7 pm.
Click here for quicker check-in!
We also offer a class environment (currently at 11 AM only) for kids who benefit from less stimulation, where they can meet Jesus and grow in their love and relationship with Him. We call it Bible Buddies. This is a sensory-inclusive space that welcomes kids with more profound sensory needs.
Bible Buddies - Sensory Inclusive Class
Download the Church Center App for even speedier check-in!

Looking to volunteer with Crossroads Kids?
Choose where you want to join in on all the fun by clicking the link below. We will get in touch with you shortly.
Interested in kids' baptisms?
Click for more information about our Kids' Baptisms at Crossroads.
Times & Locations
Sundays @ 9 AM and 11 AM
Wednesdays @ 7 PM
While Midweek groups are in session
Crossroads Kids Area
Pastor Ricky Franco
Families & LoveNOW Pastor
(private group)
Middle School and High School Services
Join us for services at 7 PM in the Auditorium on Wednesday nights! Students will experience inspiring worship, hear the Word, and connect with their small groups.
We also have a Sunday service exclusively for Students at 11 AM in the Auditorium. Be sure to check it out!
Click below to sign up!
Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form and we’ll contact you soon!
Follow Us On Social Media
Times & Locations
Sundays @ 11 AM
Wednesdays @ 7 PM
Crossroads Auditorium
Jamin Murray
Students Pastor
UPCOMING Crossroads Students EVENTS
Here at Young Adults, our focus is on our ability to discern the voice and will of God for ourselves. Jesus tells us in John 10:27, ”My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” Our time together at Young Adults is spent learning how to practically hear His voice, be in relationship with Jesus intimately, and follow His leading in our lives.
Jesus calls us into a life of encouragement, accountability, and love for one another. Our community here at Young Adults is a place where 18-30 year-olds come together to do just that. On our journey to deeper intimacy with Him, we encourage and love one another, and hold each other accountable to making Christ the Lord of our lives.
We welcome people from all backgrounds. It doesn’t matter where you are from or what your faith background is, you are welcome here and we want you to bring all of your questions.
Email for more info.
Times & Locations
Tuesdays @ 7 PM
Crossroads Auditorium
Tristan Norris
Young Adults Pastor
At Crossroads Men, we fellowship, worship together, spend time in the Word, and go deeper as we break into small groups. Join us on Wednesday nights at 7 pm in the Sanctuary, when Midweek groups are in session. We look forward to seeing you there!
Times & Locations
Wednesdays @ 7 PM
While Midweek groups are in session
Crossroads Sanctuary
Aram Babasin
Men’s & Groups Pastor
At Crossroads Women, we spend time in the Word, worship together, and get to know one another in our small groups. Join us on Tuesdays at 9:30 am, Tuesday Evenings at 6 pm online, or Wednesdays at 7 pm, when Midweek groups are in session. We look forward to having you join us at one of our Women's Gatherings!
We also have various community groups specifically for women. Click below to get connected to a group today!
Check Out Our Community Groups
For more information contact us at
Do you have a heart to serve in Crossroads Women? We have teams ranging from food and hospitality, to tech, to greeters and more! If you're interested in joining our team, please complete our Volunteer Form and someone will be in touch within 7 days.
Times & Locations
Tuesdays @ 9:30 AM, Crossroads Chapel
Tuesdays @ 6 PM, Online
Wednesdays @ 7 PM, Crossroads Sanctuary
While Midweek groups are in session
Amira Onuoha
Women's Pastor
UPCOMING Crossroads Women EVENTS
“…‘God made them male and female’ from the beginning of creation. ‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” Mark 10:6-9 NLT
Marriage is important to God. At Crossroads, we affirm the biblical covenant of marriage between a man and a woman. As such, we seek to create an environment where married couples and those planning to be married can thrive in their relationship with Jesus and each other. Currently, there are a couple of ways in which we can help. Do you need marital counseling? Are you planning on getting married? If so, click the button below.
A note about premarital counseling: At Crossroads, pastors do not merely “perform” wedding ceremonies. They are there to prepare you for your marriage day and all the days thereafter. They do this by taking you and your potential spouse through a 2-3 month process of meetings, prayer, and an assessment that equips you for the realities of marriage. We also know that couples often have a desire for a specific pastor to perform their counseling/ceremony. While we will do our best to accommodate these requests, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so because of pastoral workload and scheduling.
Request Marriage InformationAram Babasin
Men’s and Groups Pastor
If this is an emergency, please call 911. If you are considering taking your life, please call or text 988 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline).
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” Psalm 34:18 NLT
We understand that on life's journey, we can encounter unexpected hurdles. Our Care Ministry stands as a pillar of compassion and support for those facing challenges. In every gesture, we echo a spirit of kindness, showing that even in life's struggles, we can find comfort by simply responding to Jesus' call to care for one another.
To begin the process of accessing our care resources, or to speak to a pastor or chaplain, please fill out our Care Request Form below.
In addition, if you're in need of professional licensed counseling, please fill out the Mental Health Referral Form below.
Johnnie Pesacreta
Care Pastor
Help with hurts, habits, and hang-ups
Celebrate Recovery helps those dealing with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind, to leave behind the past and embrace true healing and freedom.
Celebrate Recovery meets every Thursday at 7 pm in the Auditorium. We would love for you to join us!
Sign Up Now
Times & Locations
Thursdays @ 7 PM
Crossroads Community Church Auditorium
Ralph Cassel
Care Pastor
UPCOMING Celebrate Recovery EVENTS
- DivorceCare
Find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce
What is DivorceCare?
DivorceCare is a 13-week course designed to help you face the challenges of separation or divorce and rebuild your life.
Each session has two distinct elements:
A Seminar with Experts
During the first 30–40 minutes of the meeting, the group will watch a video seminar featuring top experts on divorce and recovery subjects.
A Support Group with Focus
After viewing the video, participants will spend time as a support group, discussing that week’s video seminar, as well as their own lives.
*Materials fee may apply.
Register Here
Times & Locations
Thursdays @ 7 PM
January 16 - April 10
Sanctuary Prayer Room
Johnnie Pesacreta
Care Pastor
- GriefShare
You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone
A 13-week course for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one, GriefShare will help you find healing and hope. A friendly, caring group of people will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You can join anytime during a session. The weekly courses are independent of each other.
Times & Locations
Wednesdays @ 1 PM
January 15 - April 9
Annex Building Room 406
Johnnie Pesacreta
Care Pastor
If this is an emergency, please call 911. If you are considering taking your life, please call or text 988 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline).
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” Psalm 34:18 NLT
We understand that on life's journey, we can encounter unexpected hurdles. Our Care Ministry stands as a pillar of compassion and support for those facing challenges. In every gesture, we echo a spirit of kindness, showing that even in life's struggles, we can find comfort by simply responding to Jesus' call to care for one another.
To begin the process of accessing our care resources, or to speak to a pastor or chaplain, please fill out our Care Request Form below.
In addition, if you're in need of professional licensed counseling, please fill out the Mental Health Referral Form below.
Johnnie Pesacreta
Care Pastor
Help with hurts, habits, and hang-ups
Celebrate Recovery helps those dealing with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind, to leave behind the past and embrace true healing and freedom.
Celebrate Recovery meets every Thursday at 7 pm in the Auditorium. We would love for you to join us!
Sign Up Now
Times & Locations
Thursdays @ 7 PM
Crossroads Community Church Auditorium
Ralph Cassel
Care Pastor
UPCOMING Celebrate Recovery EVENTS
Find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce
What is DivorceCare?
DivorceCare is a 13-week course designed to help you face the challenges of separation or divorce and rebuild your life.
Each session has two distinct elements:
A Seminar with Experts
During the first 30–40 minutes of the meeting, the group will watch a video seminar featuring top experts on divorce and recovery subjects.
A Support Group with Focus
After viewing the video, participants will spend time as a support group, discussing that week’s video seminar, as well as their own lives.
*Materials fee may apply.
Register Here
Times & Locations
Thursdays @ 7 PM
January 16 - April 10
Sanctuary Prayer Room
Johnnie Pesacreta
Care Pastor
You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone
A 13-week course for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one, GriefShare will help you find healing and hope. A friendly, caring group of people will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You can join anytime during a session. The weekly courses are independent of each other.
Times & Locations
Wednesdays @ 1 PM
January 15 - April 9
Annex Building Room 406
Johnnie Pesacreta
Care Pastor
Do you enjoy creating a warm atmosphere at church, reaching out to people and helping them feel welcome?
Whether it’s greeting people at our Connections Center, helping a family find a seat, or simply helping someone find their footing in our large church family, we have a spot for people like you to help others connect.
Our Connections Ministry rolls out the red carpet to everyone from newcomers to long-time Crossroads family members, as soon as they enter the Crossroads parking lot. We want to let everyone know that they are valued as individuals and loved by Jesus, as we care for them each and every time we gather, and help them “fit in” and find a place in the Crossroads family of faith.
To join the Connections Team, just click the link below to get started!
Volunteer Application
Tristan Norris
Young Adults Pastor
- Worship Arts
worship arts
Worship is a language that God gives every believer to help us express our praise to Him and celebrate His greatness
At Crossroads, we love to worship together. We understand that loving God means worshipping Him – living a life that brings glory to Him and draws us nearer to Jesus. When our community gathers and expresses our sung prayers to God and about Him, we experience His amazing presence and hear His voice. Our worship helps us express who God is, celebrate His greatness, experience His touch, thank Him, and encourage each other with His truth. It’s an all-encompassing way of living. The worship songs we sing are contemporary in style, but range from ancient hymns to the latest choruses, and everything in between. We write many of the songs we sing, and encourage the artists in our church to grow in their songwriting and musicianship.
Click below to get started!
I'm Interested!
Mikey Moore
Worship Pastor
- Prayer
As the people of God, we understand that prayer is not a last resort but it is the first response we should have in any situation. We also understand that we serve a God that isn't slow to listen but He inclines His ear to hear His people. Because of this, we will continue to call upon Him for as long as we live! Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live. -Psalm 116:2
If you have a heart to grow in prayer, we would love for you to join us at one of our corporate prayer opportunities - everyone is welcome, no experience necessary!
Corporate Prayer Opportunities
As we continue to pursue Becoming a House of Prayer, we want to be intentional to continue this call to pray without ceasing. Prayer360 is an opportunity for our church family to join together in around-the-clock prayer. We are expecting God to answer in only the way that He can and we invite you to join us.
Prayer Requests
We understand that life is messy and can be outright hard. If you need prayer for anything you're dealing with, your anonymous request will be submitted to a group of faithful prayer warriors who are committed to gather together and lift people up to God in prayer.
Submit a Prayer Request
Learn How to Pray
In 2023, our church led us through a message series on prayer called Into the Deep. It covered the importance of prayer, how to pray and other practical tips. This series will help you grow in the spiritual discipline of prayer.
Message Series on Prayer
Prayer Team
Crossroads believes there is POWER in prayer. We also know that God loves it when His children come together and connect with Him in prayer. If you'd like to join our prayer team, fill out a volunteer form today!
If you have any questions or need to connect with one of our Prayer Team leaders, email us at Our prayer team members are also
available to pray with you in front of the stage after our in-person services, Sundays at 9
AM and 11 AM.
- Discipleship
Simply Responding to Jesus, One Step at a Time.
We’re a family of faith, fully engaged, and just like in a real family, every one of us is in a different part of our journey through life with Jesus. If you’re new to your faith in Jesus, or you’ve been walking with Him for what seems like a lifetime, there is always more that He wants to teach us and always new areas where we can grow. We can help you do that! Here are some ways to build the foundation of your faith and grow your understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.
For New Believers
We are so excited that you have made the decision to follow Jesus and we want to personally welcome you to the family of God! Choosing to follow Jesus is the most important decision you have or will ever make. As a new believer, you can expect to have new attitudes and desires. You may need to replace some old habits and patterns with new activities that will help you to grow your new life in Christ. Growth takes time, but it begins—right now—right here by simply responding to Jesus.
Whether this is your first time committing your life to Jesus or a rededication of your life, these steps below will help build a strong and lasting relationship with Jesus on this messy journey in life.
Read the Bible Daily
The Bible will tell you everything you need to know in order to grow in your spiritual life. Because God speaks through His Word, you will get to know Him better and learn what pleases Him. As you obey His Word, you will grow strong and begin to see positive changes in your life. We suggest starting in the New Testament with the Gospel of John and reading straight into Acts.
You can buy a Bible online, download one onto your smart device, pick one up at your local bookstore, or even ask a local church for one.
Here are a few internet links that offer a variety of great ways to explore the Bible:
Pray Daily
Prayer is one of the greatest privileges we have as a child of God. Prayer is the way you connect with God. God wants you to know Him personally and wants you to share your heart with Him.
The A.C.T.S method is a good, easy way to learn and remember how to pray.
Adore – Start your prayer by telling God how much you adore Him, giving Him recognition for who He is and thank Him for what He has done for you.
Confess – Confession is acknowledging that you have messed up and asking God to forgive you of those sins. The Bible says that if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful to forgive our sins and cleanse us of all that we have done wrong.
Thanks – We have so much to be thankful for in our lives, including our
salvation. God’s people should be joyful and grateful people who
spread that wherever they go.
Supplication – Supplication simply means praying for your personal needs and the needs of those around you.
attend church
You can’t do this alone! Going to church is the primary way you will
grow in your faith. You will meet other believers, develop
friendships and find a community that will support you on this new
journey in life. It is important that you find a local church that
teaches the Bible, and values worship, evangelism and community.
Great churches are in most communities. If you cannot find a
church within driving distance, we invite you to join us Sunday
Mornings at 9 am and 11 am and also Wednesday nights at 7 pm
Pacific Time at
Every Christian should be baptized, but why? You see, through faith
and repentance we experience freedom from the penalty of sin.
That’s usually what we mean by “salvation”–being rescued from the
penalty of sin on this side of Heaven. But the Bible also promises
freedom from the power of sin. This freedom is ours as we immerse
ourselves in God-centered living. Jesus instituted water baptism as
the public proclamation and physical expression of that spiritual
Crossroads conducts water baptisms every other month. For more info, click the button below.
share your faith
Good news is hard to keep to yourself! Now that you are following
Jesus, it’s time to tell people about Him. Don’t hide your faith from
people around you; they need Jesus just as much as you needed
Jesus. How will they know that Jesus is real if the people around
them don’t tell them? A great way to share with them is to tell your
story. Tell them what Jesus has done for you and what He will do
for them.
stay the course
Being a Christian is not always easy. Remember that life is messy,
but Jesus is real. When you became a child of God, you also
became an enemy of the devil; and he will try to tempt you into
disobeying God. Know that it isn’t a sin to be tempted—even Jesus
experienced temptation (read Luke 4:1–3)—but giving in to the
temptation is sin. Christians will experience times of testing and
trials, but God promises to be with us and give us the strength we
need to get through hard times.
For Growing Believers
Because we know that growth happens in groups. No matter your
age, gender, marital status, interest, vocation or location, there’s a
community group that’s just right for you. This is where you’ll grow
closer with brothers and sisters in Christ who say, “I’ve got your
back.” To find the group that’s right for you, contact us at or click the button below.
The hardest step is the first step, but you can do all things through Christ. (Philippians 4:13) You’re invited to take the steps of faith one step at a time and learn to simply respond to Jesus with us.
Aram Babasin
Men's & Groups Pastor
Every week, thousands of people join us online because they aren’t able to be here in person. During weekly live services, our hosts are ready to connect with you and support you. Join us online at, on Facebook, or on YouTube, and don’t miss out!
Click below to get started!
I'm Interested!
Email us at for more information.
Gabe Moreno
Executive Pastor
Do you enjoy creating a warm atmosphere at church, reaching out to people and helping them feel welcome?
Whether it’s greeting people at our Connections Center, helping a family find a seat, or simply helping someone find their footing in our large church family, we have a spot for people like you to help others connect.
Our Connections Ministry rolls out the red carpet to everyone from newcomers to long-time Crossroads family members, as soon as they enter the Crossroads parking lot. We want to let everyone know that they are valued as individuals and loved by Jesus, as we care for them each and every time we gather, and help them “fit in” and find a place in the Crossroads family of faith.
To join the Connections Team, just click the link below to get started!
Volunteer ApplicationTristan Norris
Young Adults Pastor
worship arts
Worship is a language that God gives every believer to help us express our praise to Him and celebrate His greatness
At Crossroads, we love to worship together. We understand that loving God means worshipping Him – living a life that brings glory to Him and draws us nearer to Jesus. When our community gathers and expresses our sung prayers to God and about Him, we experience His amazing presence and hear His voice. Our worship helps us express who God is, celebrate His greatness, experience His touch, thank Him, and encourage each other with His truth. It’s an all-encompassing way of living. The worship songs we sing are contemporary in style, but range from ancient hymns to the latest choruses, and everything in between. We write many of the songs we sing, and encourage the artists in our church to grow in their songwriting and musicianship.
Click below to get started!
I'm Interested! Mikey Moore
Worship Pastor
As the people of God, we understand that prayer is not a last resort but it is the first response we should have in any situation. We also understand that we serve a God that isn't slow to listen but He inclines His ear to hear His people. Because of this, we will continue to call upon Him for as long as we live! Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live. -Psalm 116:2
If you have a heart to grow in prayer, we would love for you to join us at one of our corporate prayer opportunities - everyone is welcome, no experience necessary!
Corporate Prayer OpportunitiesAs we continue to pursue Becoming a House of Prayer, we want to be intentional to continue this call to pray without ceasing. Prayer360 is an opportunity for our church family to join together in around-the-clock prayer. We are expecting God to answer in only the way that He can and we invite you to join us.
Prayer360Prayer Requests
We understand that life is messy and can be outright hard. If you need prayer for anything you're dealing with, your anonymous request will be submitted to a group of faithful prayer warriors who are committed to gather together and lift people up to God in prayer.
Submit a Prayer RequestLearn How to Pray
In 2023, our church led us through a message series on prayer called Into the Deep. It covered the importance of prayer, how to pray and other practical tips. This series will help you grow in the spiritual discipline of prayer.
Message Series on PrayerPrayer Team
Crossroads believes there is POWER in prayer. We also know that God loves it when His children come together and connect with Him in prayer. If you'd like to join our prayer team, fill out a volunteer form today!
If you have any questions or need to connect with one of our Prayer Team leaders, email us at Our prayer team members are also available to pray with you in front of the stage after our in-person services, Sundays at 9 AM and 11 AM.
Simply Responding to Jesus, One Step at a Time.
We’re a family of faith, fully engaged, and just like in a real family, every one of us is in a different part of our journey through life with Jesus. If you’re new to your faith in Jesus, or you’ve been walking with Him for what seems like a lifetime, there is always more that He wants to teach us and always new areas where we can grow. We can help you do that! Here are some ways to build the foundation of your faith and grow your understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.
For New Believers
We are so excited that you have made the decision to follow Jesus and we want to personally welcome you to the family of God! Choosing to follow Jesus is the most important decision you have or will ever make. As a new believer, you can expect to have new attitudes and desires. You may need to replace some old habits and patterns with new activities that will help you to grow your new life in Christ. Growth takes time, but it begins—right now—right here by simply responding to Jesus.
Whether this is your first time committing your life to Jesus or a rededication of your life, these steps below will help build a strong and lasting relationship with Jesus on this messy journey in life.
Read the Bible Daily
The Bible will tell you everything you need to know in order to grow in your spiritual life. Because God speaks through His Word, you will get to know Him better and learn what pleases Him. As you obey His Word, you will grow strong and begin to see positive changes in your life. We suggest starting in the New Testament with the Gospel of John and reading straight into Acts.
You can buy a Bible online, download one onto your smart device, pick one up at your local bookstore, or even ask a local church for one.
Here are a few internet links that offer a variety of great ways to explore the Bible:
Pray Daily
Prayer is one of the greatest privileges we have as a child of God. Prayer is the way you connect with God. God wants you to know Him personally and wants you to share your heart with Him.
The A.C.T.S method is a good, easy way to learn and remember how to pray.
Adore – Start your prayer by telling God how much you adore Him, giving Him recognition for who He is and thank Him for what He has done for you.
Confess – Confession is acknowledging that you have messed up and asking God to forgive you of those sins. The Bible says that if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful to forgive our sins and cleanse us of all that we have done wrong.
Thanks – We have so much to be thankful for in our lives, including our salvation. God’s people should be joyful and grateful people who spread that wherever they go.
Supplication – Supplication simply means praying for your personal needs and the needs of those around you.
attend church
You can’t do this alone! Going to church is the primary way you will grow in your faith. You will meet other believers, develop friendships and find a community that will support you on this new journey in life. It is important that you find a local church that teaches the Bible, and values worship, evangelism and community. Great churches are in most communities. If you cannot find a church within driving distance, we invite you to join us Sunday Mornings at 9 am and 11 am and also Wednesday nights at 7 pm Pacific Time at
Every Christian should be baptized, but why? You see, through faith and repentance we experience freedom from the penalty of sin. That’s usually what we mean by “salvation”–being rescued from the penalty of sin on this side of Heaven. But the Bible also promises freedom from the power of sin. This freedom is ours as we immerse ourselves in God-centered living. Jesus instituted water baptism as the public proclamation and physical expression of that spiritual immersion.
Crossroads conducts water baptisms every other month. For more info, click the button below.
share your faith
Good news is hard to keep to yourself! Now that you are following Jesus, it’s time to tell people about Him. Don’t hide your faith from people around you; they need Jesus just as much as you needed Jesus. How will they know that Jesus is real if the people around them don’t tell them? A great way to share with them is to tell your story. Tell them what Jesus has done for you and what He will do for them.
stay the course
Being a Christian is not always easy. Remember that life is messy, but Jesus is real. When you became a child of God, you also became an enemy of the devil; and he will try to tempt you into disobeying God. Know that it isn’t a sin to be tempted—even Jesus experienced temptation (read Luke 4:1–3)—but giving in to the temptation is sin. Christians will experience times of testing and trials, but God promises to be with us and give us the strength we need to get through hard times.
For Growing Believers
Because we know that growth happens in groups. No matter your age, gender, marital status, interest, vocation or location, there’s a community group that’s just right for you. This is where you’ll grow closer with brothers and sisters in Christ who say, “I’ve got your back.” To find the group that’s right for you, contact us at or click the button below.
The hardest step is the first step, but you can do all things through Christ. (Philippians 4:13) You’re invited to take the steps of faith one step at a time and learn to simply respond to Jesus with us.
Aram Babasin
Men's & Groups Pastor
Every week, thousands of people join us online because they aren’t able to be here in person. During weekly live services, our hosts are ready to connect with you and support you. Join us online at, on Facebook, or on YouTube, and don’t miss out!
Click below to get started!
I'm Interested!QUESTIONS?
Email us at for more information.
Gabe Moreno
Executive Pastor
- Groups
Kids Gatherings
Crossroads Kids, for birth - 5th grade, meets on Sundays during our regular service times at 9 am and 11 am. Discipleship Town is available on Wednesday evenings while parents attend one of the Midweek groups at 7 pm.
Click here for quicker check-in!
We also offer a class environment (currently at 11 AM only) for kids who benefit from less stimulation, where they can meet Jesus and grow in their love and relationship with Him. We call it Bible Buddies. This is a sensory-inclusive space that welcomes kids with more profound sensory needs.
Bible Buddies - Sensory Inclusive Class
Download the Church Center App for even speedier check-in!
Looking to volunteer with Crossroads Kids?
Choose where you want to join in on all the fun by clicking the link below. We will get in touch with you shortly.
Interested in kids' baptisms?
Click for more information about our Kids' Baptisms at Crossroads.
Times & Locations
Sundays @ 9 AM and 11 AM
Wednesdays @ 7 PM
While Midweek groups are in session
Crossroads Kids Area
Pastor Ricky Franco
Families & LoveNOW Pastor
(private group)
Middle School and High School Services
Join us for services at 7 PM in the Auditorium on Wednesday nights! Students will experience inspiring worship, hear the Word, and connect with their small groups.
We also have a Sunday service exclusively for Students at 11 AM in the Auditorium. Be sure to check it out!
Click below to sign up!
Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form and we’ll contact you soon!
Follow Us On Social Media
Times & Locations
Sundays @ 11 AM
Wednesdays @ 7 PM
Crossroads Auditorium
Jamin Murray
Students Pastor
UPCOMING Crossroads Students EVENTS
Here at Young Adults, our focus is on our ability to discern the voice and will of God for ourselves. Jesus tells us in John 10:27, ”My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” Our time together at Young Adults is spent learning how to practically hear His voice, be in relationship with Jesus intimately, and follow His leading in our lives.
Jesus calls us into a life of encouragement, accountability, and love for one another. Our community here at Young Adults is a place where 18-30 year-olds come together to do just that. On our journey to deeper intimacy with Him, we encourage and love one another, and hold each other accountable to making Christ the Lord of our lives.
We welcome people from all backgrounds. It doesn’t matter where you are from or what your faith background is, you are welcome here and we want you to bring all of your questions.
Email for more info.
Times & Locations
Tuesdays @ 7 PM
Crossroads Auditorium
Tristan Norris
Young Adults Pastor
At Crossroads Men, we fellowship, worship together, spend time in the Word, and go deeper as we break into small groups. Join us on Wednesday nights at 7 pm in the Sanctuary, when Midweek groups are in session. We look forward to seeing you there!
Times & Locations
Wednesdays @ 7 PM
While Midweek groups are in session
Crossroads Sanctuary
Aram Babasin
Men’s & Groups Pastor
At Crossroads Women, we spend time in the Word, worship together, and get to know one another in our small groups. Join us on Tuesdays at 9:30 am, Tuesday Evenings at 6 pm online, or Wednesdays at 7 pm, when Midweek groups are in session. We look forward to having you join us at one of our Women's Gatherings!
We also have various community groups specifically for women. Click below to get connected to a group today!
Check Out Our Community Groups
For more information contact us at
Do you have a heart to serve in Crossroads Women? We have teams ranging from food and hospitality, to tech, to greeters and more! If you're interested in joining our team, please complete our Volunteer Form and someone will be in touch within 7 days.
Times & Locations
Tuesdays @ 9:30 AM, Crossroads Chapel
Tuesdays @ 6 PM, Online
Wednesdays @ 7 PM, Crossroads Sanctuary
While Midweek groups are in session
Amira Onuoha
Women's Pastor
UPCOMING Crossroads Women EVENTS
- Marriage
“…‘God made them male and female’ from the beginning of creation. ‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” Mark 10:6-9 NLT
Marriage is important to God. At Crossroads, we affirm the biblical covenant of marriage between a man and a woman. As such, we seek to create an environment where married couples and those planning to be married can thrive in their relationship with Jesus and each other. Currently, there are a couple of ways in which we can help. Do you need marital counseling? Are you planning on getting married? If so, click the button below.
A note about premarital counseling: At Crossroads, pastors do not merely “perform” wedding ceremonies. They are there to prepare you for your marriage day and all the days thereafter. They do this by taking you and your potential spouse through a 2-3 month process of meetings, prayer, and an assessment that equips you for the realities of marriage. We also know that couples often have a desire for a specific pastor to perform their counseling/ceremony. While we will do our best to accommodate these requests, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so because of pastoral workload and scheduling.
Request Marriage Information
Aram Babasin
Men’s and Groups Pastor
Kids Gatherings
Crossroads Kids, for birth - 5th grade, meets on Sundays during our regular service times at 9 am and 11 am. Discipleship Town is available on Wednesday evenings while parents attend one of the Midweek groups at 7 pm.
Click here for quicker check-in!
We also offer a class environment (currently at 11 AM only) for kids who benefit from less stimulation, where they can meet Jesus and grow in their love and relationship with Him. We call it Bible Buddies. This is a sensory-inclusive space that welcomes kids with more profound sensory needs.
Bible Buddies - Sensory Inclusive Class
Download the Church Center App for even speedier check-in!

Looking to volunteer with Crossroads Kids?
Choose where you want to join in on all the fun by clicking the link below. We will get in touch with you shortly.
Interested in kids' baptisms?
Click for more information about our Kids' Baptisms at Crossroads.
Times & Locations
Sundays @ 9 AM and 11 AM
Wednesdays @ 7 PM
While Midweek groups are in session
Crossroads Kids Area
Pastor Ricky Franco
Families & LoveNOW Pastor
(private group)
Middle School and High School Services
Join us for services at 7 PM in the Auditorium on Wednesday nights! Students will experience inspiring worship, hear the Word, and connect with their small groups.
We also have a Sunday service exclusively for Students at 11 AM in the Auditorium. Be sure to check it out!
Click below to sign up!
Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form and we’ll contact you soon!
Follow Us On Social Media
Times & Locations
Sundays @ 11 AM
Wednesdays @ 7 PM
Crossroads Auditorium
Jamin Murray
Students Pastor
UPCOMING Crossroads Students EVENTS
Here at Young Adults, our focus is on our ability to discern the voice and will of God for ourselves. Jesus tells us in John 10:27, ”My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” Our time together at Young Adults is spent learning how to practically hear His voice, be in relationship with Jesus intimately, and follow His leading in our lives.
Jesus calls us into a life of encouragement, accountability, and love for one another. Our community here at Young Adults is a place where 18-30 year-olds come together to do just that. On our journey to deeper intimacy with Him, we encourage and love one another, and hold each other accountable to making Christ the Lord of our lives.
We welcome people from all backgrounds. It doesn’t matter where you are from or what your faith background is, you are welcome here and we want you to bring all of your questions.
Email for more info.
Times & Locations
Tuesdays @ 7 PM
Crossroads Auditorium
Tristan Norris
Young Adults Pastor
At Crossroads Men, we fellowship, worship together, spend time in the Word, and go deeper as we break into small groups. Join us on Wednesday nights at 7 pm in the Sanctuary, when Midweek groups are in session. We look forward to seeing you there!
Times & Locations
Wednesdays @ 7 PM
While Midweek groups are in session
Crossroads Sanctuary
Aram Babasin
Men’s & Groups Pastor
At Crossroads Women, we spend time in the Word, worship together, and get to know one another in our small groups. Join us on Tuesdays at 9:30 am, Tuesday Evenings at 6 pm online, or Wednesdays at 7 pm, when Midweek groups are in session. We look forward to having you join us at one of our Women's Gatherings!
We also have various community groups specifically for women. Click below to get connected to a group today!
Check Out Our Community Groups
For more information contact us at
Do you have a heart to serve in Crossroads Women? We have teams ranging from food and hospitality, to tech, to greeters and more! If you're interested in joining our team, please complete our Volunteer Form and someone will be in touch within 7 days.
Times & Locations
Tuesdays @ 9:30 AM, Crossroads Chapel
Tuesdays @ 6 PM, Online
Wednesdays @ 7 PM, Crossroads Sanctuary
While Midweek groups are in session
Amira Onuoha
Women's Pastor
UPCOMING Crossroads Women EVENTS
“…‘God made them male and female’ from the beginning of creation. ‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” Mark 10:6-9 NLT
Marriage is important to God. At Crossroads, we affirm the biblical covenant of marriage between a man and a woman. As such, we seek to create an environment where married couples and those planning to be married can thrive in their relationship with Jesus and each other. Currently, there are a couple of ways in which we can help. Do you need marital counseling? Are you planning on getting married? If so, click the button below.
A note about premarital counseling: At Crossroads, pastors do not merely “perform” wedding ceremonies. They are there to prepare you for your marriage day and all the days thereafter. They do this by taking you and your potential spouse through a 2-3 month process of meetings, prayer, and an assessment that equips you for the realities of marriage. We also know that couples often have a desire for a specific pastor to perform their counseling/ceremony. While we will do our best to accommodate these requests, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so because of pastoral workload and scheduling.
Request Marriage InformationAram Babasin
Men’s and Groups Pastor