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Here at Crossroads, we believe in the power of prayer. We are committed to the practice of prayer both individually and corporately. As a result, we see the hand of God moving in our lives, and in the lives of those around us. 

Learn How to Pray

In 2023, our church led us through a message series on prayer called Into the Deep. It covered the importance of prayer, how to pray and other practical tips. This series will help you grow in the spiritual discipline of prayer.

Message Series on Prayer

Currently, we have opportunities for corporate prayer that are both open to anyone who would want to attend. 

  • Our pre-service prayer happens every Sunday at 8:15 am. We pray for our Sunday services and all the ministries happening on campus, as well as those who will be joining us for church.
  • Prayer360 is an opportunity for our church family to join together in around-the-clock prayer. You can sign up for a 30-minute time slot and follow our prayer guide as you pray each day. Click HERE to get started.

We know that it’s not always easy to open up and share what’s going on in your life. But life gets messy, and no matter who we are, we need people to come alongside and support us in prayer. If you need prayer for a specific need, let us know and your request will go to a committed team of prayer partners who regularly meet and lift people up to God in prayer.

Please don’t include advertising, vulgarity, political agendas, slander, personal information such as phone numbers or addresses, or personal accusations.

We pray over many requests each day so please keep it an appropriate length so we can give each request equal attention.

If you would like to speak with a chaplain, please call 360-256-9711 and ask for a chaplain.

If this is an emergency, please call 911.

If you are considering taking your life, please call 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline).

Submit a Prayer Request


  • Divine health, strength, financial increase, clarity, protection, and discernment for Naiya P. & Shawna M. In Jesus name.
  • Pray for repentance
  • Please pray for my granddaughter who is making very bad decisions. She is 18 now and her parents are just giving up with her, it is causing too much stress on all of them (they have other younger children too).
  • Please pray for my dad to continue to do well with dialysis. Most of all pray for his connection with and joy in the Lord to grow.
    Pray for my sister-in-law Lynda's eye to heal fully and miraculously better than expected.
    Please pray for me as things get busier at work. That I would serve and love well. That I wouldn't get overwhelmed and would overflow with God's love and joy and wisdom. Thanks
  • Please pray for me and ,my daughters and their young families
  • Last year a very close friend of mine passed away. He found out he had Covid and he passed away in his sleep that night. I was devastated. I know he knew that I was a Christian, but I never asked him if he was. I regret that I didn't talk with him about Christ. Please help me with the guilt I feel.
  • Praying for my niece Karah and her boyfriend Vincent in California. Involved in serious car accident. Vincent is critical. Thank you for prayers for his healing.
  • Please pray that God will direct my life and my husbands life. Our marriage is not what it should be. He is unhappy with his career choices and I'd like him to trust the Lord more. Myself as well. Thank you!
  • My uncle is living in a house with holes in the roof four feet wide. The structural damage is so great, the holes go from the roof. through the floor, down to the basement. The kitchen has a broken window. There is evidence of rodents. I need to know how to help him. He is stubborn and refused help from Habitat for Humanity.
  • Please pray for me to get job soon
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Weekly Memory Verse

Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

Pray for the Country of:


• Pray that many Tunisians would open their heart to Jesus. Pray that Tunisian believers would be ready to welcome and nurture new believers as the church grows.
• Pray for the government to officially recognize the Tunisian Church. Pray for the return of buildings and land that were previously taken by the state; may these provide space for the Tunisian believers to establish their own places of worship.
• Pray too, for the country’s economy, which has suffered from a dramatic decrease in tourism, social security, and employment opportunities.