Here at Crossroads, we believe in the power of prayer. We are committed to the practice of prayer both individually and corporately. As a result, we see the hand of God moving in our lives, and in the lives of those around us.
Learn How to Pray
In 2023, our church led us through a message series on prayer called Into the Deep. It covered the importance of prayer, how to pray, and other practical tips. This series will help you grow in the spiritual discipline of prayer.
Message Series on PrayerCorporate Prayer Opportunities
Currently, we have two opportunities for corporate prayer that are both open to anyone who would want to attend.
- Our pre-service prayer happens every Sunday at 8:15 am. We pray for our Sunday services and all the ministries happening on campus, as well as those who will be joining us for church.
- Prayer360 is an opportunity for our church family to join together in around-the-clock prayer. You can sign up for a 30-minute time slot and follow our prayer guide as you pray each day. Click HERE to get started.
How Can We Pray For You?
We know that it’s not always easy to open up and share what’s going on in your life. But life gets messy, and no matter who we are, we need people to come alongside and support us in prayer. If you need prayer for a specific need, let us know and your request will go to a committed team of prayer partners who regularly meet and lift people up to God in prayer.
Please don’t include advertising, vulgarity, political agendas, slander, personal information such as phone numbers or addresses, or personal accusations.
We pray over many requests each day so please keep it an appropriate length so we can give each request equal attention.
If this is an emergency, please call 911.
If you would like to speak with a chaplain, please call 360-256-9711 and ask for a chaplain.
If you are considering taking your life, please call 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline).
Her main concern is regarding anethssia. she got sever delirium last time and much of her famuly blamed her for her behavior when she wasn't in her right mind. she is terrified of that happening again. pray all goes well, for her peace, wisdom, and comfort. and No delirium from anesthstia.
we are both believers in Christ.
Thank you! God bless! -
I would also like to pray for the healing of my sons new puppy and that the lord would lay his healing hand on him. He is only 7 weeks old and very small and right now they can't figure out what is wrong with him.
Thank you for your prayers and taking the time to read my post. -
Weekly Memory Verse
Micah 6:8b
And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?
Pray for the Country of:
• Pray for wisdom in handling extreme issues of poverty that hinder growth and development.
• Pray for children whose education is suffering because they have to flee their homes.
• Pray with believers who have been displaced from their homes and churches in northern Mali by militants.
• Pray for greater prosperity–that families will find enough food to survive. Pray for prevention of malnourishment in children.