1. Don’t Get Caught Up in the Method.
- Scripture Reference; Acts 11; Luke 15:2
- Questions for Reflection
- Share a time when your personal preferences challenged your ability to see the work that God was doing in your life?
2. God’s Grace Is for Everyone.
- Scripture Reference; Acts 11; Isaiah 49:6; 1 Timothy 2:5-6
- Questions for Reflection
- Who is God wanting you to extend His grace and love to? Share with your small group how you can be intentional to take a step of faith towards that person this week.
3. Let the Mission of Jesus Move You Forward.
- Scripture Reference; Acts 11; Matthew 28:18-20
- Questions for reflection
- God wants to use you on His mission right where you are. How is the Holy Spirit asking you to simply respond to Jesus and boldly obey?