1. Jesus makes all things new
- Scripture Reference; Isaiah 43:19
- Leader Notes
- God’s plan was always to send Jesus to make all things new
- Everything we see now is temporary, but we should still care about it
- We were made to be stewards of this earth, even though it is temporary
- Questions for Reflection
- What is God making new right now?
2. Behold the New Jerusalem
- Scripture Reference; Revelation 21:23
- Leader Notes
- We can experience God with us even now, and in the New Jerusalem we will experience this fully
- Heaven should be the next logical extension of our experience, we are experiencing it now in God’s presence with us
- Believing in Jesus is not about going to heaven when we die, it’s about experiencing heaven here and now with Jesus and carrying that on into eternity
- Questions for Reflection
- What hope do I have in the afterlife?
3. Jesus is the light
- Scripture Reference; John 8:12
- Leader Notes
- God reflects His light differently through each of us
- We are all used by God differently, and that’s okay
- We are all meant to reflect the light of Jesus in our own unique way
- Questions for reflection
- How can Jesus be my light right now?