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1. Receive God’s peace.

  • Scripture Reference; John 20:19-23; John 14:27
  • Questions for Reflection
    • How can I live the Christ-centered life?

2. Join God’s plan.

  • Scripture Reference; John 20:19-23; Matthew 28:18-20
  • Questions for reflection
    • How is Jesus sending me into the world?

3. Experience God’s power.

  • Scripture Reference; John 20:19-23; Acts 1:8
  • Questions for reflection
    • How is the Holy Spirit working in and through me right now?

4. Engage in God’s purpose.

  • Scripture Reference; John 20:19-23; Matthew 16:18-19, 18:18
  • Questions for reflection
    • How is the Holy Spirit working in and through me right now?