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1. Be Blessed

  • Scripture Reference: James 1:12-27, James 1:12-15, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 1 John 2:15-17
  • Questions for Reflection
    • Being blessed means walking in God’s will for your life and reaping the benefits. Whose good and biblically sound advice are you currently ignoring? Why?

2. Don't Be Deceived

  • Scripture Reference: James 1:12-27, James 1:16-20
  • Questions for Reflection
    • Have you ever been deceived? How did that make you feel? How did you show a lack of wisdom and discernment in that situation? How have you grown in knowledge and discernment since then? 

3. Be Doers of the Word 

  • Scripture Reference:  James 1:12-27, James 1:21-27
  • Questions for Reflection
    • Why is “doing” for God more straightforward than simply “being” with Him? Who is God calling you to be in this season?