Pray for 3-24-2024

March 4, 2024 9:04 am Published by


• Pray that the current administration will govern with wisdom and discretion.
• Pray that God will lead the government to establish and strengthen systems that will tackle corruption in Nigeria.
• Despite the challenges, the believers continue to grow in Nigeria. Pray for wisdom, courage, and true servanthood for pastors as they seek to serve these believers who often face challenges.
• Pray for Fulani militants, the members of Boko Haram, and other extremist groups. Pray that God will touch their hearts with His love and truth.
• Pray for strength, protection, and godly wisdom for workers as they interact with the broken-hearted. Pray their compassionate care will assure our brothers and sisters they are loved and never alone.

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This post was written by rockmedia

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