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What is Prayer360?

- 1 Chronicles 16:11

As we continue to pursue Becoming a House of Prayer, we want to be intentional about this call to pray without ceasing. We believe that prayer is not a last resort but our first response as we transform our community and our world. We are expecting God to answer in only a way that He can, as we pursue around-the-clock prayer. We invite you to join us.

Click below to sign up for Prayer360 and select what time(s) you would like to pray!

Register Here


What if I can’t pray for 30 minutes?

This is a common fear for many but remember that we aren’t praying to accomplish another thing on a task list. This will be used to strengthen your prayer life and make you more like Christ. If your mind begins to wander or you find yourself becoming distracted, don’t give up. Just redirect your prayers to the provided prompts that will be emailed to you when you register. There is NO PRESSURE to meet a quota. We are using this intentional time to seek God.

How can I keep my mind from wandering?

  • Pray in a location without distractions. Your setup can enable or disable your “success”.
  • Tell God about it, ask Him to redirect your anxious thoughts back to the prayer prompts.
  • Use a notebook during your prayer time. You can use your 30-minute slot to journal your prayers. If a distracting thought keeps coming up, write it down so you can come back to it later.
  • Include someone in your prayer time to pray with you. You can pray for 15 minutes and they can take the next 15 minutes.
  • Take a few minutes before your prayer time slot to do a calming activity like stretching, taking deep breaths, listening to a calming song you like, etc.
  • Get Active! Couple your 30-minute prayer slot with a walk or run.

What will I need?

  • Your Bible.
  • A comfortable place. Find a place and position that enables you to focus on your 30 minutes of prayer, not a place where you can get distracted.
  • A timer. It may be helpful to use a timer so that you can set times for each of the parts of the prayer guide. Setting a timer also allows you to focus on prayer rather than constantly checking your watch.
  • Something to write with and write on. You may want to have something ready to jot down any distracting thoughts or reminders that pop into your head during your prayer time. Writing them down frees you from trying to remember them later.

Where can I access the Weekly Prayer Guide?

We will have a Prayer Guide emailed to you when you sign up for a Prayer360 time slot, and every Sunday you will receive the updated prayer prompts in your email. If you are having trouble accessing the emailed document, email us at You can also access them HERE.

How do I cancel or change my prayer slot to a different time?

If you need to change your time slot for any reason, the best way to do so is to cancel your time slot through the registration link (once received and signed up).

What if I miss my time slot?

If you missed your time slot, don't worry! Remember that we are using this intentional time to seek God. If for some reason you missed the slot you signed up for, just take your next available 30 minutes to pray. No need to re-sign up or reach out. Just get to an area without distractions and begin to seek God. If you find that the original time slot that you signed up for is a struggle, you can do one of the following:

  • Consider signing up for a different time that would work better for your schedule.
  • Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to begin praying.

Where can I find practical resources about prayer?

How to Start Praying - Practical examples from 24-7 Prayer on HOW to start praying.

How to Grow in Prayer - Practical examples from 24-7 Prayer on how to grow in prayer.

Into the Deep - A 6-week series on prayer led by Pastor Daniel and a team of pastors.

A Prayer of Invitation - Message from Pastor Daniel sharing insights from Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20-26.

Prayer in the Mess - Message from Pastor Daniel explaining Paul’s prayer from Ephesians 1:15-23.

Livin' on a Prayer - Message from Pastor Daniel sharing insights from David’s prayer in the midst of a challenging season in Psalms 51.

Dialogue and Direction - Message from Pastor Daniel with insights of prayer.

The Crossroads Women Podcast - 9-week summer series on prayer from our Women’s Ministry.

Responding Worship Playlist:

The Responding, Crossroads Worship Team, has curated a Spotify playlist that you can use in your time of prayer. Click HERE to access the playlist.