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Daily Bible Reading Plan

The Bible is the Word of God, so it carries His authority and all we require for godly living. God never speaks to us in code – He’s given us His commandments in our own language, so we can know Him. Through the voices of the prophets and apostles, God has revealed His will to humanity, including a way of knowing His Son Jesus, the only way to a restored and unbroken relationship with God. For the church, eagerly anticipating Jesus’s return, Scripture is how we learn to wait on the Lord and live well: in holiness, in active compassion for the widow and the orphan, in pursuit of eternal life, and in bold witness to the lost.

Just like we learn anything in life, we understand the Bible best when we approach it with the right disposition, seeking to learn and to submit ourselves to what we learn from God. In reality, all pursuit of Scripture must be a pursuit of the heart of the Father, who allows us to know Him by His Word. As we grapple with passages of Scripture, we wrestle to know God Himself. And knowing God is the key to the full and abundant life we’ve always longed for.

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2025 Bible Reading Plan
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Weekly Memory Verse

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Pray for the Country of:


• Pray that the current administration will govern with wisdom and discretion.
• Pray that God will lead the government to establish and strengthen systems which will tackle corruption in Nigeria.
• Despite the challenges, the believers continue to grow in Nigeria. Pray for wisdom, courage, and true servanthood for pastors as they seek to serve these believers who often face challenges.
• Pray for Fulani militants, the members of Boko Haram, and other extremist groups. Pray that God will touch their hearts with His love and truth.
• Pray for strength, protection, and godly wisdom for workers as they interact with the brokenhearted. Pray their compassionate care will assure our brothers and sisters they are loved and never alone.